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Are You a Good Candidate For LASIK Surgery?

If you’ve had to wear glasses or contacts for most of your life, chances are you have grown tired of the cost associated with this eyewear. In the past, people who required corrective lenses were limited in their options on how to address their eye problems. In 1999, the Food and Drug Administration approved laser-assisted Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery for American consumers.

This surgery changes the shape of a person’s cornea with the help of an excimer laser. Every year, over 718,000 LASIK surgeries take place in the United States. When performed correctly, this surgery will provide a person with permanent vision improvements that remove the need for glasses or contacts.

Are you curious about whether you’re a good candidate for this surgery? If so, consider the information in this article.

Good LASIK Candidates Don’t Have Dry Eyes

When going in to speak with the team at Two Trees Optometry, you will be asked a few questions to gauge whether you’re a good candidate for LASIK surgery. One of the first things you will need to divulge is whether you have a history of dry eyes or dry eye syndrome. Attempting to recover from this surgery with dry eyes can be both difficult and painful.

If you are adamant about having this procedure, you will have to manage dry eye problems for a bit before you are approved. Luckily, there are a number of dry eye treatments on the market that are both easy and effective. In some cases, taking nutritional supplements or using artificial tears can help you fix your dry eye issues.

You Need a Stable Vision Prescription

While you might be motivated to use LASIK to address your vision issues, this might not be a possibility if your vision prescription isn’t stable. Most optometrists require a person’s vision prescription to be stable for one to two years before approving them for this procedure. At the time of a LASIK surgery, the refractive error present is what will be addressed.

A person that is without a stable vision prescription can have problems with their vision remaining stable after this procedure. Regardless of how bad you want to have LASIK, you need to abide by the ground rules your optometrist sets to ensure your eyes remain healthy.

Being In Good Overall Health is Important

Another important factor that needs to be considered before being approved for LASIK surgery is your overall health. In most cases, people with autoimmune disorders or diabetes aren’t good candidates for this corrective eye surgery. Eye conditions like glaucoma or cataracts might also prohibit you from getting approved for LASIK surgery.

If your existing health or eye conditions do prohibit you from getting LASIK, your optometrist will walk you through alternative procedures that can help correct your problems. Keeping an open mind is crucial when trying to find the best procedure to fit your needs.

If you are curious about LASIK, the team at Two Trees Optometry is here to provide answers to your questions.

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